Thanks to social media, consumers, employees, and collaborators are becoming increasingly vocal activists, creating an uncertain landscape for brands and companies. To navigate this new reality, constant awareness of your audience’s opinions and sentiments is crucial for effective communication.  Securing unique connections with your target market requires brands to be prepared for the complex interplay of psychological and social factors.

Brands now face the challenge of aligning more closely with consumers’ needs, emotions, and concerns. The “fear” of haters, online negativity, and user backlash is a growing concern, making data-driven decisions essential. According to Julio Fernández Sanguino, Digital Senior Director and Partner at APPLE TREE, “Monitoring online conversations around a topic, tracking industry trends, and understanding how different generations discuss an issue empowers brands to develop more empathetic and relevant communication strategies.”

To address these client concerns, APPLE TREE developed the Social Alarm Measurement Model. This model combines vast datasets with millions of entries. By leveraging BIG DATA and DATA ANALYTICS tools, we created a predictive model to help brands make informed decisions. The model assigns different alarm levels to various scenarios, allowing for proactive response.

While initially designed to measure consumer reaction to the pandemic, the Social Alarm Measurement Model can be applied to any organisation crisis. Our observations show that this predictive model typically indicates a low-risk ‘green’  environment, suggesting a reduced chance of brand reputational damage due to COVID-19-related issues.

A pandemic response model

By analysing data, the APPLE TREE team has gained a deeper understanding of consumers and, crucially, can predict their reactions. This translates into a competitive advantage for our clients. We’ve combined key data sources to create a predictive model of consumer behaviour, empowering brands to make smarter business decisions. Learn more about our Social Alarm Measurement Model in this document.