Equal and unique


As a company, Pernod Ricard chose to shift the focus away from communicating Pernod Ricard España’s Diversity and Inclusion efforts. Instead, we aimed to spotlight the women in the company, emphasising that a day like 8M is an occasion to celebrate them.


The company had a clear objective: to celebrate the female talent that is part of Pernod Ricard España, giving voice to its messages and putting a face to all the women who are part of the company, to demonstrate that, for the company, the only criterion for evaluating performance is talent.





To accomplish this, the company placed its employees at the forefront of the campaign, making them the true protagonists. Selected from diverse areas within the organization, these profiles shared genuine testimonials, emphasizing not only their shared experiences but also the distinctive qualities that make each of them unique.

Eleven women were selected from various roles and departments to highlight the diverse female talent within the company. The campaign featured individuals such as the Logistics Director, a forklift operator from the Production Centre in Padrón (Galicia), the Head of Compensation and Benefits, a Financial Analyst, and the IT Project Manager, among others. The women were featured in a collection of photographic portraits captured by Mara Alonso, a renowned Spanish photographer known for her work with major fashion brands.

Each portrait was accompanied by a powerful message, a statement on equality crafted by the women themselves. They shared their perspectives on what it means to be both equal and unique, emphasizing the significance of equality and female talent.


The portraits were displayed in a large-scale photographic exhibition at the company’s main office in Madrid, as well as on posters at the other work centres, to bring the campaign to all employees, generating pride and  raising awareness that these eleven women are just one representative example of the talented women at every level of Pernod Ricard España. In addition, a campaign manifesto was created and displayed in large format at the entrance to the offices.

The company also used all internal digital channels to disseminate the campaign: screensavers on all computers, mailings,  the internal news portal, and the company WhatsApp groups.

In addition, to ensure that the campaign reached both internal and external audiences, it was extended through outdoor advertising on the main streets of Madrid. Billboards were strategically placed in the central areas of the capital, including Salamanca, Nuevos Ministerios, and Plaza de Colón—locations that aligned with the route of the 8M demonstration that day.

Simultaneously, a campaign featuring the women was executed on social networks, involving all Pernod Ricard Spain employees and encouraging them to share their experiences.


Thanks to the strategic  advertising placements in the main streets of Madrid, it garnered over 143,000 impressions. This figure takes into account factors such as location, total projections, and programmed frequency, ensuring that the campaign was seen by the more than 40,000 attendees of the Madrid demonstration as they walked through the streets

On social media, the campaign also had a major impact, with a content plan on Pernod Ricard España’s Twitter profile and other organic publications by the media and other stakeholders.

In parallel, on LinkedIn, the campaign’s protagonists shared their portraits on their personal accounts, highlighting their contribution to Pernod Ricard España’s first corporate campaign for International Women’s Day.

This campaign is yet another example of the range of projects being carried out by Pernod Ricard España, as part of their overall Diversity and Inclusion Plan. While the company continues to work on these projects, it  has already been recognised for their efforts and commitment to diversity and inclusion with the ‘Better for All’ seal awarded by the Great Place to Work consultancy firme. The same consultancy firm named Pernod Ricard España, Best World Places 2023, solidifying its reputation as one of the best companies to work for.


Social media, outdoor advertising and PR impressions
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