The network of change


Society has begun to shift its consumption habits, suggesting that the idea of second-hand goods becoming the first choice for purchases is closer than ever. At a time when brands are aligning towards more sustainable consumption, we proposed that Wallapop go one step further to explore what the circular economy of the future might look like.


This campaign is built around the fourth edition of the study ‘The Network of Change’. Led by Wallapop, this research has been analyzing the main trends in responsible consumption and the circular economy in Spain. However, for this edition, we extended the scope to not only assess the current situation but also project future trends among both consumers and sellers of second-hand goods.

wallapop estudio la red del cambio

One key finding was that the buying and selling of reused products have evolved from a growing trend to a consumer reality in Spain. According to the study, 94% of Spaniards now consider reused products before making a purchase.


The presentation of the study ‘The Network of Change’ has become one of Wallapop’s most important corporate events, where the company meets with media and other audiences. For this edition, the goal was to showcase the future of the reused products sector and to position Wallapop as a leader in future trends in the sector. In addition to the study’s findings, the event featured insights from prominent figures in the reuse and sustainability sectors.


To maximize the impact of this study and position Wallapop as a leader in sustainable consumption, we implemented the following initiatives:

  • Production of the ‘The Network of Change’ study with the research company 40dB, examining Spaniards’ views on conscious consumption and the circular economy.


  • Presentation of the conclusions of ‘The Network of Change’ study, where Jorge Barrero, General Director of the COTEC Foundation, moderated a roundtable with notable experts including Belén Barreiro, CEO of 40dB, Pol Fàbrega, Head of Sustainability at Wallapop, architect and artist Pilar García-Ferrer (PilsFerrer), and Ana Muñoz de Frutos, Editor-in-Chief of Technology at Axel Springer.


  • Development of a dedicated sustainability website, also called ‘The Change Network’, where findings from the study and Wallapop’s sustainability initiatives are accessible.


  • Distribution of a press release across different media, adapting it for outlets focused on technology, regional news, and more. We also partnered with Europa Press to amplify the event’s impact and supported journalists with interviews and infographics to help explain the study’s findings.



This communication strategy, grounded in data and a consistent narrative, allowed Wallapop to break down the stigmas and misconceptions surrounding the buying and selling of reused goods. This shift helped make second-hand products a mainstream choice in Spain. With the fourth edition of ‘The Network of Change’, Wallapop continues to be a leader in sustainable consumption, reinforcing its position as a trendsetter in the industry.


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