agencia branded content

Continuing to grow


When did we stop growing and start getting older? This question inspired our claim: ‘Keep growing…’– a fresh communication concept that reflects a new attitude towards ageing.


APPLE TREE helped VidaCaixa to amplify a proprietary study on attitudes and perceptions around ageing, focusing on three generations: Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials. VidaCaixa wanted to lead a change in social opinion through a brand communication campaign reminding people that ageing is simply a continuation of growing up.


APPLE TREE created a creative branded content strategy to explore different aspects of the study together with three key opinion leaders from the three different generations worked on the VidaCaixa Barometer: Iñaki Gabilondo, Patricia Ramírez and Javier Ruescas. All from a single point of view: the importance of “Continuing to grow” over the years, developing as individuals, constantly learning and discovering what each stage of life brings us.


A total of 12 short videos were made in which each of the participants shared their perceptions and experiences of ageing. To amplify the message, we developed a comprehensive and integrated campaign – in partnership with Buzz Marketing – that included a PR strategy, branded content in targeted media, search engine marketing, podcasts on Spotify, social media marketing and TV. In addition, a film-style ‘premiere’ was organised for employees to share the films that had been created.
The campaign had a presence on radio, television, in the press, and, most notably, on social media, where users interacted with the content by sharing and spreading the message.


This campaign is recognised as a key milestone and a turning point in how the company communicates with its target audiences and has been recognised as the most valued brand campaign by its employees. The communication campaign clearly achieved the set objectives and exceeded all customer satisfaction expectations.

Audience impacted
of media value
B Corp