A beer with…


Mahou’s purpose, based on encounters over a beer and the interests of Generation Z, inspired a groundbreaking and pioneering branded content format in Spain: ‘Una caña con…’ (‘A beer with…’)


In 2018, Mahou had the opportunity to reinforce its market leadership and impact on 18- to 24-year-olds, the Generation Z target audience. This age group became the brand’s main strategic target owing to the difficulty of connecting with an audience who are increasingly resistant to traditional advertising. We had to find a new channel and format to connect with the Zs.


Mahou, together with APPLE TREE, developed an innovative proposal to connect with this generation of consumers. Through a format based on branded content, ‘Una caña con…’ (‘A beer with…’) sought to reconnect with a younger audience through digital content developed through collaboration and co-creation with influencers, transmitting brand values and generating conversation on social networks in a fun and entertaining way.


The first season featured 24 episodes posted on Carolina Iglesias’ YouTube channel and MAHOU’s website. The show has evolved each season, with new features, a new set ‘Bar-Bara’ (which was named by the audience in the second season), and a new host, Kikillo, who joined Carolina as a barista. This branded content format is now in its fifth season and continues to grow and gain fans.


The 64 episodes posted on YouTube have had more than 6 million views, and 45% of the audience is Generation Z (18-25 years old).

Thanks to this strategy, Mahou has increased variables that position it as a brand for young people, committed to society and a genuine brand. As a result, their brand health has increased by two points and their brand image improved by 11 points among consumers aged 18-24 between 2019 and 2020.


Point increase in brand image among Gen Z
B Corp